Anniversary in BiotechNEWS & Life Sciences: 10 Years of LIFE Cooperative

Wednesday 22 May 2024

  • Life Cooperative

In the magazine BiotechNEWS & Life Sciences, the following article recently appeared about the anniversary and the upcoming LIFE Science Conference in September 2024. Board members Ton Vries and Johannes Wolters reflect on a decade of collaboration and growth, during which the number of members grew from 20 to over 60 companies. The LIFE Cooperative has helped local companies achieve international success, with the annual conference as a highlight that promotes innovation and collaboration. Read on to learn more about their achievements and future plans!

Festive Anniversary: LIFE Cooperative Celebrates a Decade of Collaboration and Innovation in Life Sciences and Health

Founders and board members Ton Vries and Johannes Wolters vividly recall how it all began ten years ago. Companies and organizations merged to form the LIFE Cooperative, driven by the power of collaboration. About 20 SMEs in Northern Netherlands joined forces in the Life Cooperative, motivated by the desire to collaborate, lobby more effectively, and launch new projects together. Now, ten years later, there are over 60 member companies, ranging from SMEs and startups to partner members within the network. The board has embraced and witnessed the growth of many companies.


There are plenty of examples of players in the LIFE Cooperative who used Northern Netherlands as a springboard to the rest of the world. Pharmaceutical research company ICON (formerly PRA Health Sciences), the world's largest scientific service provider Thermo Fisher, molecule producer Symeres, and tech pioneer Demcon are just a few organizations that are globally active, rooted in the LIFE Cooperative, and have their origins in Northern Netherlands, a region rich in talent and entrepreneurship, which thrives thanks to the cooperative model.

For instance, Polyganics, now known as Regenity after its acquisition by Collagen Matrix. Or Brains Online, which became part of the American Charles River Laboratories. ABL, which merged into the internationally operating Ardena. All born and bred in the region.

United Force

Flagships such as QPS, Certe, Lode Holding, Spark, and Ofichem, promising startups, and many long-established companies together form a united force. “We all have the same goal,” says Ton Vries, one of the cooperative’s founders. “We want to elevate the health sector in Northern Netherlands. All the ingredients are here to make a real impact, to significantly improve healthcare, to truly help more people. That’s what it’s all about. Not just for Northern Netherlands, but for the entire world. By joining forces, we are stronger as a partner in discussions. It enables us to attract funds, investments, and projects that would be out of reach for individual parties.”

LIFE Cooperative assists established names with the internationalization of their markets, knowledge sharing, and providing space, personnel, subsidies, and investments. Startups use the cooperative to open markets, seek advice, collaborate, attract investors, and improve business plans. They can access all these services at a “one-stop shop.” This is how the LIFE Cooperative facilitates innovation; efficiently moving from idea to impact.

LIFE Science Conference

To further highlight this impact and foster new collaborations, the LIFE Cooperative organizes the LIFE Science Conference. This year it will be held on September 24, 2024. “It’s becoming a real tradition; every year on the fourth Tuesday of September, our conference takes place in Groningen,” says Johannes Wolters, director of Lode Holding and board member of LIFE Cooperative. “In addition to a substantive program with keynote sessions and ample networking opportunities, there is also an encouragement award for startups. This is the Innovation Award, which is given to the innovation with the most impact in the field of life sciences & health, originating in Northern Netherlands.” This year marks the third time the conference is held and the 10th anniversary of the LIFE Cooperative. Interested parties can register for the conference at

Source: BiotechNEWS & Life Sciences
Image Source: LIFE Cooperative

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