LIFE Science Conference presenteert keynote spreker: Hans Schikan

Thursday 22 June 2023

  • Life Cooperative

Preparations for the second edition of the LIFE Science Conference on September 26, 2023 are in full swing. With just a few months to go before the event, the LIFE Cooperative is announcing an important keynote speaker. As a Top Team Member Life Sciences & Health, Hans Schikan will make an inspiring contribution to the LIFE Science Conference. The title of the keynote is: Unleashing the Dutch potential, a boost for drug development and manufacturing in the Netherlands.

The theme of the conference is 'Bringing Back Drug Manufacturing to the Netherlands'. Peter Ketelaar, director of LIFE Cooperative: “The organization is very pleased and honored that Hans Schikan is willing to inspire the audience with a keynote session that fits the theme of the conference and that matches the opportunities and ambitions for our sector, in the North and the rest of the Netherlands.”

Register via LIFE Science Conference made possible by gemeente Groningen, de NV NOM and Health Holland.


De LIFE Science Conference wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door: Health Holland, gemeente Groningen en de NV NOM
De LIFE Science Conference wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door: Health Holland, gemeente Groningen en de NV NOM

Focus areas

Life Cooperative