HTRIC x Open Diagnostics Innovation Booster | Mental disorders

  • 15:00 uur
  • 17:00 uur
  • Space Werkcafé, Blauwborgje 31 Groningen
  • Life Cooperative

Since we are all eager to connect with each other face-to-face and keep the energy going towards new innovations in health technology, HTRIC and Open Diagnostics are organising a series of innovation boosters. These will be 2-hour meetings (plus lunch or drinks), aimed at networking, sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas with fellow MedTech experts and professionals. The theme of this Innovation Booster is mental disorders



  1. Alban Voppel: Mental health disorders have a large impact on patients and society. A majority of these disorders have unique language characteristics, from incoherence to more monotonous speech. In this presentation, I will present recent research from the UMCG using natural language processing and machine learning in psychiatry, with a focus on psychosis. 
  2. PETRA is a web-based e-health tool for personalized diaries in mental health care ( The personalized diaries are based on scientific studies on the experience sampling method (ESM) or ecological momentary assessment (EMA). PETRA is integrated in the personal health record systems of several mental health care institutes. PETRA facilitates clinicians and patients to co-create a personalized diary and visualizes the gathered data in a clinically relevant way. 
  3. Repetitive negative thinking has been associated with a high risk to develop and maintain Major Depressive Disorder. With our recent work at the UMCG and RUG we examine how rumination plays a role in the vulnerability for depression and how rumination can be objectively tracked by machine-learning-augmented measurements.

    Register now via this link


Life Cooperative